Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Swaddle! But which kind?

Swaddles are the best invention ever. They are a life saver when baby needs to sleep, feed and calm down. Babies feel very comfortable and secure in it, since they were used to this snug feeling in moms belly. But not every swaddle is made the same way. I am using 2 different types for Sophia. The brands are: JJ Cole Collection and Summer. The winner for me are swaddles made by the brand Summer. They fit tight and are easy to adjust on the babies body. The swaddle by JJCole is a little awkward to close simply because the velcro area where you close the swaddle, is to small. That is a limitation because you can't re-adjust the closing flap to a tighter position. So if your baby is smaller, there is more wiggle room. And that is a drawback. We want to be able to adjust the swaddle to the baby! It also provides too much leg room, so the baby kicks more and can't find rest. But the design of the fabric is cuter. With the SwaddleMe by Summer you have the better design at hand. You can adjust the tightness very easily and it works well for all sizes of babies.

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